DCC DOC

 DCC <options and files>

 NOTE:   new this version, use of single precision IEEE libraries for
 floating point.   Please read the note under the option '-ffp' for
 more information.

 DCC is similar to the UNIX 'cc' command and is the frontend for the
 DICE compiler.  For best performance I strongly suggest that you make
 DCC, DC1, DCPP, DAS, and DLINK resident.  If you do not have enough
 memory to do so you at least want to leave the largest programs, DC1
 and DAS resident.   It is suggested that your machine have at least 1MB
 of memory.  A compile or link can take as much as 400K of run-time

 Options may occur anywhere on the command line but MUST occur singly.
 That is, -c -a instead of -ca.  file arguments to options may occur
 with or without an intervening space.  -oFILE and -o FILE are both legal.

 Files ending in .a[sm] are assumed to be assembly files.  Files ending
 in .l[ib] are assumed to be library files.  Files ending in .o[bj] are
 assumed to be object files.  All other files are assumed to be C source

 Normally DCC compiles all C source files, assembles all .a[sm] files,
 and links the resulting object files with any specified .o files
 together to produce an executable.  The output file may optionally be
 specified with the -o option.  If not specified, a default output
 filename based on the name of the input file is generated.  This
 general action is modified by two options:

 -c  DCC does NOT link, -o specifies the output object file

 -a  DCC does NOT assemble (i.e. leaves the .a file resulting from
     a compile).  -o specifies the output assembly file

 If neither option is given -o specifies the name of the resulting

 The default object directory is T: and may be changed with the -O option.
 The default temporary directory is also T: and may be changed with the -T
 option.  IF YOU HAVE LIMITED MEMORY you may have to specify that
 temporary files not be placed in T: either by re-assigning T: or using
 the -T option.  DICE goes much slower if temporary files must be written
 to a floppy or even a hard disk.

 WARNING: .a[sm] files are assembled with DAS, read DAS.DOC if you
 intend to assemble non-DC1 generated assembly.

     ------------------- OPTIONS ------------------

 file    File to compile, assemble (.a), and/or link (.o, .lib)

 @file   File containing further list of files, one per line.
     (blank lines and lines beginning with ';' or '#' are
     ignored.  File may NOT contain further options).

 -E file specify stderr file, any errors are appended to the file
     instead of to stdout.  Useful for batch compiles

 -c      Compile C source files and assemble into OBJECT files
     only (do not link).

 -a      Compile C source files into ASSEMBLY files (do not assemble
     or link).

     Keep in mind the DAS will do further optimizations on the
     assembly file that you see.

 -l0     Do not link default libraries (dlib:c.lib dlib:amigas.lib
     dlib:auto.lib), or standard startup (dlib:c.o and

     BEGINNER'S NOTE:    Do not use this option

     This option is used in special circumstances, such as when
     generating .libraries or .devices.

     WARNING: DICE is much more dependant on its startup code
     (c.o and x.o) than other compilers, do not link without
     the startup unless you know what you are doing.

 -l lib  When linking include this library. (space is optional)

     Generally -l is used to include the math library (-lm)
     when formatted floating point *printf()s are required.

     Refer to the section 'MODELS AND LIBRARIES' and 'CREATING
     YOUR OWN LIBRARIES' below for more information on linking
     in custom libraries.

 -2.0    Default amiga.lib is    dlib:amigas20.lib
     Default amiga include path is dinclude:amiga20/

     -2.x where 'x' is the second digit replacing the '0' in the
     above example.  This option is useful when compiling for
     different versions of the operating system.

 -1.3    Like -2.0, but using dlib:amigas13.lib and dinclude:amiga13/

     Again, -1.x may be specified.

 -L0     remove default library search path, including all explicitly
     specified (-L dir) directories up to this point.

 -L dir  add the specified directory to the library search path.  If
     the object module or library can not be found in the
     current directory, directories specified with -L are
     searched.  -L directories are searched before the default
     library directory (DLIB:), assuming it was not removed
     with -L0 .

     Note that the directory path specified by -L is used to
     search for libraries AND object modules.

     A trailing '/' is optional

 -I0     remove default include path from search list.  The default
     include path is dinclude: and dinclude:amiga/ (unless
     modified by -1.x and -2.x options)

 -I dir  When compiling scan this include directory (space is
     optional) The specified path takes precedence over defaults
     but defaults are NOT removed.

 -D define[=value]
     Pre-define a symbol

 -U      undefine __STDC__, mc68000, _DCC, and AMIGA.

 BEGINNER'S NOTE:    Do not use any of these options


 This option enables precompiled header file generation and
 operation. You may specify any number of -H options.  Example


 When DICE encounters an #include <defs.h> this will cause it to
 first check for the existance of T:DEFS.M ... if T:DEFS.M does
 not exist DICE will generate it from <defs.h>.  if T:DEFS.M
 does exist then DICE will use it directly and ignore <defs.h>

 You must specify the -H option both to have DICE create the
 precompiled header file and to have DICE use the precompiled
 header file.  Normally one makes operation as transparent as
 possible so as not depend on the option existing when porting
 to other enviroments.

 WARNING WARNING WILL ROBINSON!  A precompiled header file contains
 the preprocessed header and preprocessor macros.  These are set in
 stone!  If you modify a #define that would normally effect
 preprocessing of a header file which is precompiled THE EFFECT WILL
 NOT OCCUR.  It is strongly suggested you use precompiled headers
 ONLY with includes that are pretty much unchanging.  For example,
 the commodore includes or otherwise have an appropriate dependancy
 in your DMakefile or make script to delete the precompiled header
 file whenever any of your headers are modified.

 Normally one has a single -H option that enables precompiling of a
 local header file, say DEFS.H, which contains #include's of all
 other header files.  Source modules would then #include <defs.h>

 BEGINNERS'S NOTE:   Do not use this option

 -o file Specify output executable, object, or assembly file name
     depending on what you are producing.  The space is optional

 -020    generate code for the 68020 and later microprocessors
 -030    generate code for the 68030 and later microprocessors
 -881    generate inline FFP code for the 68881
 -882    generate inline FFP code for the 68882

 BEGINNER'S NOTE:    Do not use any of these options

 These options exist to produce 020 and 030 opcodes, and 881/882
 inline assembly for floating point operations.  They are not
 necessarily implemented yet.  The intent is to implement them
 by V2.06 .

 -md     small data model (default)      uses A4-relative
 -mD     large data model        uses absolute-long
 -mc     small code model (default)      uses PC-relative
 -mC     large code model        uses absolute-long

 BEGINNER'S NOTE:    Use only -mD if you declare more than
 64KBytes of data.

 These options specify the default data and code model to use.
 The model may be overriden by use of the __near and __far
 type qualifiers (see EXTENSIONS.DOC) on a variable by variable

 DICE defaults to the small data and small code model, and is able
 to generate >32KBytes of code using the small code model so you
 should never have to use -mC.  Note that the DICE libraries have
 all been compiled with the small-data model, and certain
 applications may disrupt the base register, A4... in this case
 use of the __geta4 type qualifier should be of use.  If worse
 comes to worse you can recompile a large-data model C.LIB, but
 I suggest you try other solutions first.

 -ms0    (default), only const objects are put into a CODE hunk
 -ms1/-ms    string constants are put into the read-only code hunk
 -ms2    string constants are put into the read-only code hunk AND
     all external const references use NEAR addressing

 BEGINNER'S NOTE:    Use only -ms

 -ms0 turns off -ms1/-ms2 in case you have it in your DCCOPTS
 enviroment variable and want to turn it off.

 Default operation (no -ms1/-ms2) puts 'const' items into a
 read-only CODE hunk.  Locally declared objects are referenced using
 PC-REL while external objects (declared in some other module) are
 referenced using 32-BIT ABSOLUTE addressing.

 -ms will additionally make all string constants, such as "fubar",
 const and referenced via PC-REL.  -ms is an extremely useful option
 when you will never modify any of your string constants because the
 strings are not copied for multiple running instances of the
 program (if resident).

 -ms2 works like -ms1, but in addition forces all external const
 references to use PC-REL addressing INSTEAD of 32-bit absolute

 Using -ms along with -r can result in huge savings of memory due to
 the string constants being moved out of the data segment (which
 must be duplicated for each running instance of the program).

 WARNING WARNING.  In all cases if you declare an object as 'const'
 it must be extern'd as 'const' in other modules or incorrect code
 will be generated.  This is true whether you use -ms/S or not.

 -mr     registered arguments, light
 -mR     registered arguments, medium
 -mRR    registered arguments, strict

 BEGINNERS NOTE:     either do not use these options or use only -mr

 These options control the automatic registerization of procedure
 arguments.  Only those prototyped procedures declaring 4 or fewer
 arguments will be registered.  Values are passed in D0/D1/A0/A1
 according to the type of variable and availabilty of registers/

 -mr This option is obsolete

 -mR generates only a single, registered entry point

 -mRR is similar to -mR but extends registerization to indirect
     function calls (that are fully prototyped).  This is the
     most dangerous option.

 Note that -mr and -mR assign the normal, nonregistered entry point
 of a function to any indirect function pointers whether they are
 fully prototyped or not (e.g. void (*func)() or void (*func)(int) )

 -mRR assigns either the registered or normal entry point to
 function pointers depending on whether they are prototyped or not
 (and any calls made through these function pointers will use the
 registered args method).

 however with -mRR you must be careful to supply the registered
 entry point.

 you use -mRR you *must* qualify the procedure or function pointer
 type specification with __stkargs to entire it has a normal
 entry point.

 -mi     Inline library calls

 Causes DICE to utilize inline library calls instead of library
 tags.  DCC will pass -D__DICE_INLINE to the preprocessor which
 causes inline stuff in <clib/*_protos.h> to be brought in.
 Your programs must #include appropriate prototype headers
 such as:

 #include <clib/exec_protos.h>

 These are Commodore standard prototype files which DICE postpends
 with appropriate inline specifications when the -mi option is
 used.  If the -mi option is not used the prototype files will
 still work as expected but no inline calls will be made.


 BEGINNER'S NOTE:    Do not use this option

 This option is another data model, called the ABSOLUTE-WORD data
 model.  Source files compiled with this option generate
 absolute-word data references to access data objects instead of
 A4-relative or absolute-long.  The base of the data segment must be
 specified as decimal, 0octal, or 0xHEX.

 Since absolute-word is used exclusive of A4-relative, the compiler
 will now use A4 for register variables.  You may NOT mix -mw
 modules with small-data models (do NOT use C.LIB, see ROMABLE.DOC)

 The ROMABLE program is usually run on the executable generated by
 DLink to generate a ROM.


 BEGINNER'S NOTE:    Do not use this option

 This option specifies to the compiler and linker that the resulting
 code is intended to be relocated to a permanent data address, that
 specified by <addr> in decimal, 0octal, of 0xHEX.

 Unlike -mw, -ma assumes that the data segment can be placed
 anywhere.  The ROMABLE program is usually run on the executable
 generated by DLink to generate a ROM.

 You may still specify a data model, -md or -mD, to use with this
 option.  Unlike -mw, -ma does NOT touch the A4 register and thus
 may be mixed with the small-data model.  Again, see ROMABLE.DOC


 BEGINNER'S NOTE:    Do not use this option

 Like -l0, -rom disables automatic inclusion of a startup file (you
 must specify your own) and libraries.  However, x.o is still
 included to sink any autoinit code.  Your startup code must handle
 the appropriate model and call autoinit code before calling your
 program main

 This option is used to support ROMed firmware, i.e. non-amiga
 executables.  You should never link with C.LIB.  Instead, a new
 library, ROM.LIB, is available.

 ROM.LIB contains no static or global references and thus works
 with any data model, and only completely self-contained routines
 are included.  The only data ROM.LIB uses is stack-based.  All
 ROM.LIB routines are completely reentrant, including
 [v]sprintf() !


 When this option is used, an ERROR message will be generated for
 any call that is not prototyped.  This option is useful to ensure
 that you have properly prototyped routines (when you use
 prototypes), especially when floats and doubles are passed and
 indirect function pointers are used (they must be prototyped as

 Currently, chars and shorts are extended to long's when pushed onto
 the stack for a subroutine call.  In the future if the -proto
 option is used these objects will be pushed as shorts and not

 -prof   enable profiling for source modules
 -prof1  same as -prof
 -prof2  enable profiling for source modules and c*p.lib
 -prof3  enable profiling for source mods, c*p.lib, and amiga*p.lib

 Enable profiling.  You may compile some or all your source modules
 with profiling enabled.  Any -prof* option will enable profiling
 for compiled source modules.  -prof2 will cause DCC to link
 with a profiled c*p.lib while -prof3 will cause DCC to link
 with a profiled c*p.lib AND amiga*p.lib (the ultimate).

 To profile c*.lib and/or amiga*.lib functions the equivalent
 c*p.lib and amiga*p.lib must exist.  These libraries are most
 likely lharc'd in DCC2:dlib/ or DCC3:dlib/ but if not, registered
 users may create any link library from the library source.

 -r      Make executable residentable with separate CODE & DATA hunks
 -pr     Make executable residentable w/ no relocation hunks
 -pi     Make executable NON-residentable w/ no relocation hunks

 BEGINNER'S NOTE:    Just use -r to get residentable executables and
 do not worry about these other options.

 -pr/-pi generate 'position independant' code also useful for ROMed
 applications.  NOTE that -pi and -pr force const items to be
 referenced pc-relative as well, causing -ms and -mS to do the same
 thing (when combined with -pr/-pi)


 Refer to the section below called 'RESIDENTABILITY' for a
 discussion of these options

 NOTE ROPT1: You may not make data references within const
 declared objects when using the -r/-pr options.  This is because
 the CODE hunk is shared between running instances of the program
 and these address references would be different between the

 However, if you are using the -ms option, string constants will
 be in the code section and thus no problem.

 -O outdir   Specify directory that is to contain output executable,
     object, or assembly files (used when specifying multiple
     source files)

 -O is useful to tell the compiler where to put the objects
 when you use dcc to compile and link a whole bunch of files
 at once.  In this case, the -o option can still be used to
 specify where to put the final executable.

 NOTE:   The -O name is used as a prefix so if you are
 specifying a directory be sure it has a ':' or '/' on
 the end.

 -T tmpdir   Specify the temporary directory used to hold preprocessed
     source files and temporary assembly files... files that
     will be deleted after use.

 NOTE:   The -T name is used as a prefix so if you are
 specifying a directory be sure it has a ':' or '/' on
 the end.

 The default is T: .. this option is useful in low-memory situations
 where you may decide to put intermediate files elsewhere.  Putting
 intermediate files on your HD or floppy slows down compilation by
 an order of magnitude, but if you are running on a system with
 little memory you may not have a choice.

 -s      Include symbolic debugging information in the executable.
     (dlink opion)

 This option includes the symbol table in the resulting executable
 and is passed to dlink.  When using DOBJ to disassemble an
 executable, DOBJ will use the symbol table to generate a more
 symbolic dump.


 When making libraries: uses alternate section naming conventions so
 that all initialized data in the module will be placed before any
 initialized data in non -S modules (i.e. normal linked object
 files).  Any library BSS will be placed before non-library BSS.
 Thus, the final ordering in the final executable will be:


 Thus, if your program contains >64K Bytes of BSS you can still
 link with a library that tries to reference its own BSS using
 the small-data model.  If your library declares only initialized
 data (i.e. int x = 0; ), then you can link with the library even
 if your program declares >64KBytes of *initialized* data !

 -v      Display commands as DCC executes them.

 -new    Checks timestamps for source/destination and only
     compiles/assembles if object is outdated or does not
     exist.  Used to make DCC a standalone make.

 -f      FAST / ^C HANDLING FOR 1.3

     This option is used for 1.3 only.  You MUST be using the
     commodore shell (NewShell) and if you make programs
     resident you MUST use the commodore C:Resident command.

     This option will probably not work if you use WShell or
     ARPShell under 1.3.  This option allows DICE to take
     short cuts to run sub-programs and allows ^C to be
     propogated to said programs.  This option is useful
     to set permanently in your DCCOPTS ENV: variable if
     you run under 1.3

     DICE under 2.0 has no such problems and will run sub
     programs optimally, including propogation of ^C.

 -frag   FRAGment (linker option).

 Tell linker not to combine all code hunks together or combine all
 data hunks together. Cannot be used if the -r or -mw options are
 used. Generally only useful if the large-data model is used.  Not
 entirely supported yet.

 -ffp    Set fp library for floats
 BEGINNER'S NOTE:    When using single precision floating point
 this option, use of the original ffp libraries, will make the
 program portable across all amigas.  Otherwise only amigas that
 have the commodore MathIeeeSing*.library libraries will be
 able to run the program.

 If not specified, 'mathieeesingtrans.library' and
 'mathieeesingbas.library' are used.  These are new 2.0 libraries
 that may not exist on all machines yet.

 If specified, 'mathtrans.library' is used .. motorola's FFP float

 NOTE:  IF -ffp is used, be warned that conversion from floats to
 doubles and back again is not entirely reliable.

 -d#     Set debugging level (# = a number), used for compiler
     diagnostics only.

 -d<opts>    Specify any combination of debugging options.  These options
     may be combined in one -d option.

     Currently no options are defined.

 -gs     Generate Dynamic Stack Code.  This generates code on every
     subroutine call to check available stack.  If available
     stack falls below 2K a new stack frame is allocated which
     will be deallocated when the subroutine returns.

     If the allocation fails, stack_abort() is called.  If this
     routine is not defined by you, the library stack_abort()
     will call abort().  REFER TO DOC/EXTENSIONS.DOC FOR
     MORE src

     This option is extremely useful when compiling UNIX code
     that expects infinite stack.

 -chip   CHIP force (linker option).

 Tell linker to force all hunks into CHIP memory.  You should
 generally not use this option.  Instead, use the __chip
 keyword (see EXTENSIONS.DOC) for those specific data items
 that need to be in CHIP memory.

 NOTE:   CHIP data items are accessed using the large-data
 model, thus you cannot create residentable executables that
 contain __chip declarations UNLESS THEY ARE ALSO 'const'
 objects -- read-only.


 Causes DICE to use DLIB:uc*.lib instead of DLIB:c*.lib  ... the
 uc*.lib is exactly the same as the normal c*.lib except that all
 filenames are assumed to be UNIX names .. that is, a beginning
 slash is converted to ':' (root of the current volume), "./" is
 ignored, and "../" is converted to "/" for all file accesses.

 This makes porting and usage of UNIX programs easier.

 -aztec  The front end attempts to run Aztec executables
 -lattice    The front end attempts to run Lattice executables
 -sas    same as -lattice

 These options allow one to write a single DMakefile able to handle
 compilation under any compiler, assuming the source is compilable
 under any compiler.

 These are very limited options and may not work across new
 versions of Aztec or Sas/C

 This option enables C++ style // comments.  This form of commenting
 begins with a // causing it and the remainder of the line to be
 considered a comment.

 This option disables DCCOPTS.  DCC will not process options in
 the DCCOPTS enviroment variable.

 The ENV:DCCOPTS enviroment variable may contain additional options.

 ENV: must exist for DCC to run, even if you do not have a DCCOPTS
 enviroment variable.  If you do not use ENV: then assign it to RAM:

 Example #1.  Compile hello.c to executable.  The objects will be
     left in T:

 1> dcc hello.c -o ram:hello
 1> ram:hello

 Example #2.  Compile hello.c to executable and put the object file
     in X:

 1> dcc hello.c -o ram:hello -TX:

 Example #3.  Compile hello.c into object into RAM: then link with symbols

 1> dcc -c hello.c -o ram:hello.o
 1> dcc ram:hello.o -o ram:hello -s

 Example #4.  Compile foo.c and link with an already compiled object file
      gar.o to produce an executable.  foo.o is placed in

 1> dcc foo.c gar.o -o ram:foogar


 Predefined Symbols:

 __LINE__        current line number (integer constant)
 __DATE__        current date (string)
 __TIME__        current time (string)
 __FILE__        current file (string)

 __BASE_FILE__       base source file (string), allows specification
             of the actual name of the source file from
             within an include file.

             (-U undefines the below symbols)
 _FFP_FLOAT      set if single prec. floats are in FFP format
 _SP_FLOAT       set if single prec. floats are in IEEE-SING format

 NOTE:  There are no limits to symbol and macro lengths.


 DICE supports various memory models and this is closely coupled with
 the link libraries it picks.  There are two major memory models that
 effect the link library selection:

 -mRR        registerized procedure calls
 -md/-mD     small data / large data
 -prof1      profiled user code
 -prof2      profiled c.lib
 -prof3      profiled c.lib and amiga.lib

Library naming convention works as follows:


 l - large data model     one of these two will always be specified
 s - small data model    /
 r - registered arguments, else stack arguments
 p - profiled link library, else not profiled

 Keeping that in mind, these are the libraries that come with the
 registered version of DICE:

 cs.lib      small data
 csr.lib     small data + registered args
 csp.lib     small data + profiled
 csrp.lib    small data + registered args + profiled

 ms.lib      small data
 msr.lib     small data + registered args
 msp.lib     small data + profiled
 msrp.lib    small data + registered args + profiled

 amigal13.lib    large data amiga.lib for 1.3 (commodore 1.3 amiga.lib)
 amigas13.lib    small data amiga.lib for 1.3
 amigasp13.lib   small data profiled amiga.lib for 1.3

 amigal20.lib    large data amiga.lib for 2.0 (commodore 2.0 amiga.lib)
 amigas20.lib    small data amiga.lib for 2.0
 amigasp20.lib   small data profiled amiga.lib for 2.0
 amigasr20.lib   small data registered-args amiga.lib for 2.0
 amigasrp20.lib  small data registered-args + profiled amiga.lib for 2.0

 Registered users can generate any combination of models they wish by
 compiling the library source code.

 DICE defaults to the small data model ('s' libraries).  Generally you
 will never use the large-data model so these are not included in the
 distribution (i.e. they have to be made).  Since there are a huge
 number of model combinations possible the distribution itself contains
 only those that are likely to be used --- to whit, small data model
 libraries.  DICE has enough features in it that you should never have
 to use the large-data model.

 The large-data model suffix 'l' is new.  This was added to ensure that
 all combinations of models generate at least a one character suffix.
 This allows DICE to give the linker hints about where to find user
 libraries --- if the linker cannot find a library name unadorned it
 will append the suffix and try again.  Previously, the large-data model
 had no suffic so this method would not work (the large data model
 library would be found even though the small-data model library is what
 we wanted).

 It is extremely easy to write your own link library.  There are two
 ways to do it.  First, simply compile various source modules into
 objects and JOIN them together into a .lib.  Second, use the LIBMAKE
 utility (see LIBMAKE.DOC).  You should name the library according to
 the data model, registered args, and profiling capability you
 compiled the source code for.
 For example, if you have compiled your library modules small-data
 without registered arguments and no profiling and want to call your
 library 'foo', you should append an 's' suffix to the library name
 so the actual library file would be called 'foos.lib'.
 If you compiled the library modules small-data with registered args it
 would be called 'foosr.lib'.  If you compiled it small-data with normal
 args and profiling it would be called 'foosp.lib', etc... the ordering
 of suffix characters is always reverse alphabetical.
 When you finally specify your library linking some program with DCC you
 have two choices:   (1) you can specify the full library name such as
 '-lfoosr', or (2) you can specify only the base name and let DICE pick
 the suffixes for you: '-lfoo'.  The latter is the most portable, DICE
 will choose the suffixes according to the various options you give DCC
 when linking.
 WARNING: option (2), just specifying the base name, assumes that you do
 not have a library called 'foo.lib' .. i.e. all your foo libraries have
 at least one suffix character.
 Two options are available to handle the 'const' keyword: -ms and -mS.  If
 neither are used 'const' is ignored.  The difference between the two
 determines how external references (between modules) are handled.
 With -ms, all string constants "fubar" are placed into the code segment
 and referenced according to the code model (pc-rel or absolute).  Any
 variable declared const will also be put in the code segment and
 referenced similary.  However, any EXTERN'd variables referenced but
 not defined in this module (i.e. defined in another module) will be
 accessed using ABSOLUTE references, since you cannot make a jump table
 for data variables.
 The -mS option is much more dangerous.. it works the same as -ms except
 that external references use pc-relative addressing as well. your final
 VIA PC-RELATIVE ADDRESSING.  If you have a choice, please use -ms
 instead of -mS .
 'const __chip' variables will also be placed in the code section, but
 these always use absolute references since the code section is not
 combined together with other code sections.  You may also override
 default access method (pc-rel/absolute) by using the __near and __far
 keywords, but this is not advised.
 The -ms option affects the main compiler DC1 and can be specified
 independantly for each source module (i.e. some can have it while
 others do not, though normally all will have it one way or the other)
 WHEN YOU USE -pr OR -pi, use of the -ms option is silently forced to

 Two options are available to generate residentable executables and one
 option is available to genreate a non-residentable executable with no
 relocation information (loads quickly).
     RES?   RELOC?   DataLim CodeLim Alloc?  Hunks
 -md     no     yes      64K(1)  none    no      DATA, CODE
 -mD     no     yes      none    none    no      DATA, CODE, optionally more
 -r      yes    yes      64K     none    yes     DATA, CODE
 -pr     yes    no       64K     32K     yes     CODE (combined DATA+CODE)
 -pi     no     no       64K     32K     no      CODE (combined DATA+CODE)
 RES:    Can this program be made resident (dlink sets Pure bit)
 RELOC:  Will this executable contain 32-bit relocations?
 DATALIM:    The maximum amount of DATA+BSS that may be declared
     (1) it is possible to declare more then 64KB worth of
     data when using the small-data model by selectively
     making large declarations __far.
 CODELIM:    The maximum size of the CODE
 ALLOC:  Does the startup code allocate a run time DATA+BSS segment?
     (basically, resident programs must, non-resident programs
     do not)
 HUNKS:  Number and type of hunks that may exist in the executable
 -md     default
 -mD     used when final executable contains more than 64KBytes of data
 -r      most often used option
 -pr     used instead of -r if there is only a little initialized data
     Can be used with most programs but requires one large chunk of
     memory instead of the two smaller chunks that -r allocates
     Also used in ROMable applications
 -pi     used instead of default when there is only a little INITIALIZED+BSS
     Can be used with many small programs that you do not intend to
     make residentable, to make them load extremely fast (since there
     is no relocation information).
     Also used in ROMable applications
 The __geta4 type qualifier will NOT work with residentable programs.
 You cannot use __far when accessing non-const (see -ms option) data
 in residentable programs
 USING THE -ms OPTION can drastically reduce the amount of data that
 needs to be allocated/copied when a resident program starts up by
 moving string constants into the code section (only the data section is
 duplicated), reducing overhead in both time and space for each
 invocation of the RESIDENT'd program.
 To use one of the options -r, -pi, or -pr specify on the DCC line when
 both compiling and linking your code.  The resulting executable will have
 the pure bit set (for -r and -pr options) and be residentable.
 -r and -pr generate no BSS since the startup code is going to allocate
 the DATA+BSS space.  -pi generates BSS space in the code segment just
 after the initialized data.
 default uses c.o
 -r      uses c.o
 -pi     uses c_pi.o
 -pr     uses c_pr.o


Converted using GuideML V1.6, a converter written by Richard Körber <>